Topic identification
Design for a journal paper
Writing the manuscript
Selecting an appropriate Journal
Formatting of manuscript
Peer review of manuscript
Submission to publishers
Review and revisions as per feedback from the editors
Review and revisions as per feedback from the editors
1. Submission of paper : There are 2 points to keep in mind. First, proofread, format and edit your paper before submission. Second, submit your paper along with a well drafted cover letter. Remember to guideline issued by the target journal.
2. Review by editors : The editorial board of the publication will go through your paper. However, this review will be brief and most probably just the abstract and bibliography will be read. If found interesting, your paper will be forwarded to the next level.
3. Peer review : The initial screening by the editors will be followed by a thorough scan by peer reviewers. They ascertain the value of the paper in terms of authenticity of content, language, presentation and originality of thought. They advise the editors on the suitability of a paper for publication in the concerned journal and provide suggestions for improvement in the paper.
4. Review comments : Once the peer review has been done, the editors send back the paper with final comments, which may be positive or negative. They may suggest some modifications in the paper and agree to publish it with changes. Or they may refer some other journal in case the paper is not appropriate for the target readers of the journal. Outright rejection is the worst case scenario.
5. Revision and resubmission : The review comments provided by the editors and reviewers need to be adequately addressed before the paper is sent for resubmission. It is advisable at this stage to consult experienced authors and academicians for their valuable inputs.